11 Villages Flooded in Jombang


11 Villages Flooded in Jombang

The heavy rain that occurred in the Jombang region of East Java has caused flood on December 19, 2017. The rain that occurred in the upstream region from 3.00 to 10.00 pm resulted in increased water discharge of the Catakgayam River and the Gunting River and flooded the residential area with a height of 50 - 150 cm in 7 villages in Mojowarno sub-district, 1 Village in Diwek sub-district, 10 Villages in Mojoagung sub-district and 3 Villages in Jombang sub-district of Jombang district. As a result, hundreds of residents evacuated to safer place.

Based on the Health Crisis Center report, the result of the incident as many as 24 people evacuated in RTH Mojoagung, 320 people in Kademangan village meeting hall, 79 people in Kademangan prayer room.

There are still many people who live in refugee camps because the water level height about 2 meters high. SAR team and related instances immediately evacuates at night when the water has gone up.