158 people displaced from Landslide in BANJARNEGARA


158 people displaced of Landslide in BANJARNEGARA

158 people displaced of Landslide in BANJARNEGARA

Banjarnegara district, Central Java province, having a high risk of landslides. Its geological and topographical conditions would make landslide easily happened in this place. Once again at many times landslide occurred in the Clapar Village, Madukara Sub-District, Banjarnegara district on Thursday (24.03.2016) at 19:00 am. Then a second landslides at the same place also occurred on Friday (25/03/2016) at 01:30 am, followed by its third time at 06.00.

Landslide occured in 5 hectares wide area of land and moving as far as 1.2 km. Landslide that happened is soil creep which moving slowly so many residents can evacuate. Landslides which occurred this morning caused 9 houses heavily damaged, 3 houses minor damaged, 2 houses damaged slightly, and 29 houses still threatened by other landslides. 158 people from 3rd-5th Neighborhood displaced to Clapar 2 Elementary School at Madukara.

As many as 300 joint personnel from Local Disaster Agency (BPBD) with Kodim 0704 Banjarnegara Banjarnegara, Banjarnegara Police, Banser, PMI, Tagana, Bela Negara, and other volunteers helped evacuate residents to safe place. Central Java Governor has ordered Province Local Disaster Agencyrovince of Central Java and nearby Local Disaster Agency like Wonosobo Local Disaster Agency district, Banyumas, Cilacap Purbalingga and assist with the evacuation and the fulfillment of basic needs for refugees. Logistics and equipment deployed to the scene. Posko Aju, evacuation post, and public kitchens have been established.

Current conditions, ground kept moving. Electricity was turned off and the access to the main road through the Banjarnegara district Pagentan Madukara totally disconnected. The area around the landslide was emptied in anticipation of subsequent landslides considering landslide area is quite extensive. With such conditions are still not liveable because the ground is very unstable and dangerous.

For more info call 085 329 479 755 Catur Subandriyo.

Sutopo Purwo Nugroho

BNPB Head of Data Information and Public Relations