6 Villages flooded in Bogor, West Java


6 Villages flooded in Bogor, West Java

Heavy rain that occurred in Bogor District for several days has resulted Flash floods. Flash floods hit six villages in Jasinga Sub-district, Bogor District on March 10, 2017. As a result, hundreds of houses were flooded. The heavy rain that occurred causing the river Cilutung and Cidurian overflowing at 3:00 pm and hit residents house.

The height of water were varies from 10 cm to 1 meter in 6 villages: (Kalong Sawah, Pangradin, Pamegarsari, Jasinga, Koleang and Neglasari villages). Based on the data of Health Crisis Center There are 337 people were taken to Public Health Center.

Most of the houses which crossed by two rivers are inundated. There were no casualties in this disaster, a number of residents immediately looking for a safe place to remember the increasingly swift water hit their territory.

More than 600 houses and a number of vehicles submerged with water levels reaching 20 to 100 centimeters. This flood disaster also damages the electronic goods and furniture owned by residents. The related agencies continue to coordinate and evacuate the affected people.