Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT) 4th disaster research at the University of Indonesia, 8-10 May 2017


Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT) 4th disaster research at the University of Indonesia, 8-10 May 2017

Health Crisis Center participated in the exhibition in the framework of the 4th Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT) of Disaster Research held on 8-10 May 2017 at Balairung Universitas Indonesia, Depok. The series of events held in this event include Pre-Scientific Annual Meeting (PIT) Activities, Fundraising Activities University of Indonesia (UI) Peduli, Panel Discussion, Exhibition and Ignite Stage, Scientific Posters, Film Screening, Excursions, International Seminar, Plenary and other activities.

The 4th Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT) was attended by Drs. H Muhammad Jusuf Kalla as Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia and gave speech at the 4th Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT), Prof. H Muhammad Nasir, Ph.D from Kemenristekdikti, Prof. Dr. Ir Muhammad Anis, M. Met as the Rector of University of Indonesia (UI) and Prof. Dr. Sudibyakto, MS as the Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Disaster Experts (IABI).

The purpose of the 4th Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT) Dissemination event is the establishment of researcher / research databases of disaster researchers from Research Institutes and Higher Education, for the realization of dialogue and synergy of researcher / researcher of disaster from Research Institute and Higher Education and the compilation of Blue-Print Research Disaster as a reference in planning and budgeting in accordance with the needs of disaster management in Indonesia.