Assessment of Districs Health Crisis Management Capacity in West Nusa Tenggara Province


Assessment of Districs Health Crisis Management Capacity in West Nusa Tenggara Province

As mentioned in Healt Crisis Centre Strategic Palanning in 2018, Some Districts/City of West Nusa Tenggara Province such as Central Lombok, East Lombok, and West Lombok, that are target in review of their capacity in Health Crisis Management. Therefore, Health Crisis Center will identify hazard, vulnerability, and capacity in this respected district in order to analyze the risk of health crisis.

Assessment was conducted on 12 to February 15, 2018 by the Health Crisis Center team with representatives of West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Health Office. The assessment is carried out for district/city health offices, hospitals, local disaster management agencies (BPBD), and public health centers (Puskesmas).

Assessment in West Lombok District, held at:

           West Lombok District Health Office

           District Hospital (RSUD) Pautu Patuh Paju

         Public Health Center (Puskesmas) Dasab Tapen

Assessment in Central Lombok District, held at:

           Central Lombok District Health Office

           RSUD Praya

           Puskesmas Praya

Assessment in East Lombok District, held at:

           East Lombok District Health Office

           RSUD dr. R. Soedjono Selong

           Puskesmas Dasan Lekong

Assessment in Mataram City, held at:

           Mataram City Health Office

           RSUD Mataram City

           Puskesmas Ampenan

Assessment in North Lombok District, held at:

           North Lombok District Health Office

           RSUD Tanjung

           Puskesmas Tanjung

All of the assessment data will be compiled and analyzed by Heath Crisis Center by using the application system/Information Technology. The result of theese process will come up withrecommendations for district/city disaster risk reduction program. In addition, we alsorecommended to themto establishes a health cluster system in district/city as the response for better health crisis management.