Assistance Activities for Response Map Preparation in Crisis Response Health in Jambi, 10-13 April 2017


Assistance Activities for Preparation of Response Map in Crisis Response Health in Jambi, 10-13 April 2017

Health workers must have the ability to respond to an emergency situation, especially the health crisis situation. This ability can be seen from emergency planning. The response map is a description of the hazards, capacities and vulnerabilities set forth in a medium that will serve as a reference for health clusters in emergencies. Preparation of accurate response maps can facilitate planning in emergency situations.

The Health Crisis Center counseled the preparation of a response map in the handling of the health crisis for the Jambi city, Kerinci and Sarolangon District. Capacity building is carried out in Jambi City, 10-13 April 2017. Participants come from health offices of districts / cities, BPBD, RSUD and TNI.

The expert speakers came from Pusdikes Kodiklat TNI AD and Health Crisis Center. While the facilitator is taken from the provincial health office in the City / District target area.