Assistance to Composing Contingency Plan for Health Sector in Ternate City of North Maluku Province on 21-24 March 2017


Assistance to Composing Contingency Plan for Health Sector in Ternate City of North Maluku Province on 21-24 March 2017

Health Crisis Center held advisory activity of Contingency Plan Plan for Health Sector in Ternate City of North Maluku Province on 21-24 March 2017. Participants come from East Halmahera, Halmahera Barat, Halmahera Tengah, Halmahera Selatan, North Halmahera and Morotai Islands, where participants come from element of Health Office, Regional Hospital, BPBD and PMI.

This activity aims to develop contingency plans in the field of health by involving all sectors as disaster management efforts during emergency response. The event was opened on March 21, 2017, attended by the Secretary of the Provincial Health Office of North Maluku. Facilitators come from the Ministry of Health and Health Office of North Maluku Province.