Bromo status was decreased


Bromo status decreased to Wary

Based on Mount Bromo volcanic analysis in East Java, both visual and instrumental based data that has been decreased, the PVMBG now lowering the Bromo Volcano Alert (level III) status to Alert (level II). This status applied since Friday (26-2-2016) at 13:00 am. danger area radius also narrowed from  2.5 km to a radius of 1 km. This means that the public and tourists are prohibited from conducting activities within a radius of 1 km from the crater.

PVMBG has reported this decreased status of Mount Bromo to Disaster Management National Agency and Local Disaster Agency and any elements-related. There was no need to take a refugee. Tourists still can visit Mount Bromo, but activity within a radius of 1 km farther is prohibited.

Meanwhile, based on observations of volcanoes from PVMBG Bromo Volcano Observation Post on 2-2-2016 at 18:00 to 00:00 pm observed thin white smoke at crater, weak pressure, high smoke around 100 meters from the top or 2429 meters above sea level to the west-southwest. Seismic tremor recorded a dominant maximum amplitude of 0.5-1 mm 1 mm.

While on 26-2-2016 at 00:00 to 06:00 pm observed a thin white smoke at craters, pressure is weak, smoke is about 50 meters higher than the peak of 2379 meters above sea level or to the west-southwest. Mild smell of sulfur. Seismic tremor Amax: dominant 0.5-1 mm 1 mm. Before the status when elevated alert status (level III) on 4-12-2015 and tremor amplitude reaches a maximum of 36 mm.

With the status decrease of Mount Bromo to be Wary, then the current Alert status (level IV) mountain is Mount Sinabung, 2 other status were (level III) which Soputan and Mount Karangetang; and 16 (level II) status alert.

16 mount with this Alert status is Mount Bromo, Lokon, Egon, Awu, roar, Gamalama, Sangeang Api, Rokatenda, Mother, Gamkonora, Papandayan, Semeru, Anak Krakatau, Merapi, Dukono, and Kerinci.

Sutopo Purwo Nugroho
Head of Data Information and Public Relations Disaster Management National Agency