Buru Regency, South Maluku hit by 5.2 Magnitude Earthquake


Buru Regency, South Maluku hit by 5.2 Magnitude Earthquake

An earthquake with 5.4 magnitude occurred on Sunday, January 17, 2016 at 6:22 pm. The epicenter was 66 km southeast of South Maluku province, Buru regency with of 10 km depth.

The area affected by this earthquake were Masawoy Village and UlimaVillage , Ambalau District , South Buru district. About 70 houses in the Ulima village and 50 houses in the village of Masawoy were damaged by the earthquake. Temporary data mentions about 4 people seriously injured / hospitalized, 6 others suffered minor injuries / outpatient, and 325 families evacuated to the village hall.

South Buru District Health Office set up health posts in refugee camps, providing health care in health posts and health centers.

Urgent logistics which needed by refugees weremedicine and complementary feeding (MP ASI). Logistics distribution of health and pharmaceuticals was hampered by bad weather .

South Buru District Health Department coordinate with Local Disaster Agency, Maluku Provincial Health Office and the Ministry of Health effort to give health logistics.