Bus Accident Student Group of SMK in Magelang


Bus Accident Student Group of SMK in Magelang

Transportation accidents occurred again and take casualties. This time the bus carrying the study tour group Panca Karya Sentul vocational high school at Bogor plated K 1619 DM crashed in Jengkol, Daleman Village, Pakis Sub-District, Magelang District, on Tuesday, May 15, 2017 morning.

The incident began when the bus was going from Salatiga to Magelang. In the middle of trip, the bus that was held dozens of students crashed into a motor vehicle in front of it. The motor vehicle has not been identified until now. When crashing, the bus driver can not control the rate until shaky to the right.

The bus also crashed into two cars and a mosque until finally rolled across the middle of the road. Bus driver, Heriyono (38) had directed right to hit the house / mushola building and two cars. After that the bus rolled over to close the road lane. Allegedly brake failure occurred when the bus runs down toward Magelang from Kopeng direction, Salatiga.

As a result of the incident, 3 people died and dozens of other students injured.