Capacity Building for Officer in the Preparation of Response Map, 1 to 5 August 2016 Mamuju, West Sulawesi


Capacity Building Officer in the Preparation of Response Map, 1 to 5 August 2016 Mamuju, West Sulawesi

Capacity Building Officer in the Preparation of Response Map, 1 to 5 August 2016 Mamuju, West Sulawesi

Health Crisis Centre held capacity building of officers in the preparation of a response map on 1-5 August 2016 in Mamuju, West Sulawesi province.

The purpose of this activity is to facilitate the district / city which become targets in 2016 prone strategic in planning preparedness of disaster threats in the form of a response map.

Participants who are invited are representatives from the Department of Health, Local Health Agency, Social Services, Hospital, Police and PMI of three districts namely Mamasa district, Majene district and Polewali Mandar district, with total participants were 36 people.

Facilitators came from Health Crisis Center, Pusdikkes TNI, the health department prov. Sulbar, dr. Doris Sylvanus Kalteng, and Kesdam VI / Wirabuana.