Preliminary Information of Windstorm in 1 District, SOPPENG, SOUTH SULAWESI | 05-02-2017

Sunday, 05 February 2017


Preliminary Information Health Crisis Center for Windstorm disaster occurred in 1 sub district, Donri, SOPPENG, SOUTH SULAWESI on 05-02-2017. In preliminary data obtained from the local health office coordinated with several ..

Preliminary Information of Fire in 1 District, KOTA JAKARTA PUSAT, DKI JAKARTA | 03-02-2017

Friday, 03 February 2017


Preliminary Information of Health Crisis Center, Fire disaster that occurred in 1 sub-district, namely Sawah Besar, CITY JAKARTA PUSAT, DKI Jakarta on 03-02-2017. In the preliminary data obtained from the local ..

Preliminary Information Flood in 1 District, MOJOKERTO, EAST JAVA | 01-02-2017

Wednesday, 01 February 2017


Preliminary Information Crisis Center Health to flood disaster that occurred in 1 sub-district, namely Dawarblandong, MOJOKERTO, EAST JAVA on 01-02-2017. In the preliminary data obtained from the local health office coordinate ..

Flash floods in LOMBOK TENGAH, WEST NUSA TENGGARA, 31-01-2017

Tuesday, 31 January 2017


Preliminary Information Flash Floods in 1 District, LOMBOK TENGAH, WEST NUSA TENGGARA | 31-01-2017 Preliminary Information Crisis Center Health against Flash Floods disaster that occurred in 1 sub district, namely Pujut, LOMBOK ..

Flood in West Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands on 28 January 2017

Saturday, 28 January 2017


From the information taken from the Health Crisis Center, there is disaster occurred in West Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands. Flood occurred in Mentok District in West Bangka. From the preliminary ..

Flood and Landslides in Manado, North Sulawesi on 26 January 2017

Thursday, 26 January 2017


Flood and Landslides in Manado, North Sulawesi on 26 January 2017                 From the information taken from the Health Crisis Center, there are disasters ..

Flood and Landslides in North Gorontalo, Gorontalo on 26 January 2017

Thursday, 26 January 2017


From the information taken from the Health Crisis Center, there are disasters occurred in north Gorontalo. Flood and landslides occurred in three districts, Sumalata, Tolinggula, and Biau. From the preliminary ..

Flood in Buol, Central Sulawesi on 26 January 2017

Thursday, 26 January 2017


From the information taken from the Health Crisis Center, there is disaster occurred in Buol, Central Sulawesi. Flood occurred in seven districts, that is Biau, Bokat, Bunobogu, Karamat, Momunu, Paleleh, ..

Tornado in Situbondo, East Java on 26 January 2017

Thursday, 26 January 2017


From the information taken from the Health Crisis Center, there is a tornado occurred in Situbondo, East Java. Tornado occurred in Banyuputih district. From the preliminary data obtained from the ..

Preliminary Information Banjir Bandang in 1 District, KUDUS, CENTRAL JAVA | 20-01-2017

Friday, 20 January 2017


Preliminary Information Center of Health Crisis of Flash Flood that occurred in 1 sub district, namely Undaan, KUDUS, CENTRAL JAVA on 20-01-2017. In the preliminary data obtained from the local health ..