Coordination Meeting on the Preparation of Simulation of the Rehearsal, 7-10 June 2017


Coordination Meeting on the Preparation of Simulation of the Rehearsal, 7-10 June 2017

The Health Crisis Center will organize a health crisis prevention simulation in eight selected districts / municipalities from the priorities of the Strategic Plan. Simulation will be implemented in Simeulue and Aceh Timur, Aceh Province;  Pesisir Selatan District,  West Sumatra Province; Bandar Lampung Province;  and Tanggamus, Lampung Province; . Bengkayang, West Kalimantan Province and Bulungan, North Kalimantan Prov.; and Banjar, South Kalimantan Prov.

These districts have previously mapped its hazards, vulnerabilities and capacities. Preparation of the key response capacity of crisis response to a particular hazard has been made in the form of response map. Then the crisis prevention scenarios are organized into contingency plans in the health sector. The simulation is done to test the response written in the contingency plan document.

Coordination meetings are held in preparation for the implementation of the health crisis prevention simulation. Activities are held at Aston Hotel Bekasi, 7-10 June 2017. Participants come from provincial health offices as the organizer of rehearsal, as well as Pusdikkes Kodiklat and Health Crisis Center which will become the organizers of rehearsal. The output of this meeting is the compilation of the Rehearsal Information Plan (RIG) and the GelOG Operation Plan (ROG) as well as the identification of the need for simulation implementation.