Deadly accident travelers in Pantura Line


Deadly accident travelers in Pantura Line

Deadly accident occured again on the Pantura Line. The accident occurred in Tamansari Village, Dringu Sub-District, Probolinggo District between Toyota Avanza cars with 7 passangers with tourism bus on Saturday June 24, 2017. As a result of the incident, 6 passengers of avanza car dead and 1 other person is still in critical condition. The victim was immediately taken to Wonolangan Hospital.

This accident also caused dozens of bus passengers from Bali Blitar and Tulungagung destination is were stranded on the scene.

One of bus passenger mentioned, the accident began when avanza with plate number N 580 NQ driven by Zainul Asnawi (29) drove very fast from the west. After that, the car tried to overtake the vehicle in front of him, while from the opposite direction the bus appeared. Then the car immediately hit the bus.

All the victims died instantly sent in the morgue of Doctor Mohamad Saleh Hospital, Probolinggo City. The average victim suffered injuries on the chest and head.