Dozens of Kindergarten Teachers Experienced Food Poisoning in Wonogiri


Dozens of Kindergarten Teachers Experienced Food Poisoning in Wonogiri

There were 41 kindergarten teachers experienced food poisoning from a total of 621 teachers who were attending the Workshop on Tuesday October 24, 2017 at PGRI Wonogiri Building. The victims were then taken to the hospital for further treatment.

Based on Health Crisis Center data, 17 outpatients and 1 inpatient in Wonogiri General Hospital, 7 outpatients in RS Mulia Hati, 11 outpatients of RS Marga Husada, 4 outpatients of RS Astrini, 1 outpatient at Amal Hospital Healthy. The poisoning is due to consuming the food served on the activity.

During the workshop, the  teachers are facilitated with snack and lunch. But the cause of poisoning is still unknown, whether from the bacteria contained or not. Mass poisoning of the kindergarten teachers took place after eating the food the catering served on the first day of the workshop.

PMI Officers said they got a report at 11.00 pm. Then they were rushed to the scene. At 12.00 pm the victims was rushed to the nearest hospital. Currently the sample of the meal brought to the Lab to know for sure the cause of food poisoning.