Due to Flood in Pesawaran, 2 People Died


Due to Flood in Pesawaran, 2 People Died

Heavy rain that occurred in the District Pesawaran, Lampung has resulted in Flood. Heavy rain started on February, 20th 2017, causing the river to overflow. The flood occurred on February, 21st 2017 and resulted 8 sub-districts which submerged with 6,385 households (Head of Family).

Heavy rains have left thousands of homes flooded. In addition, two people died as a result of this disaster. The flood is getting wider because of the increasingly heavy rain. The residents did not have time to save the household and furniture, because the water continues to raise into the house into one meter high. Some residents have evacuated family members to higher ground.

Currently some residents evacuated to a safe place as well as waiting for help from relevant agencies. Health Office of Pesawaran has established Health Post as many as 17 point, 4 Point in Way Lima Sub-district which were Padang Manis, Baturaja, Sindang Garut, Banjar Negeri, all Health Posts are activated for 24 hours with shift system,

Aid distribution also distributed such as MP ASI and other aids.