Employees Tour Bus Accident at Ngawi East Java


Employees Tour Bus Accident at Ngawi East Java

There was a vehicle accident which involves the bus entourage of employees of PKM Lambeyan and Eka Sari Bus Jurusan Surabaya Yogyakarta on September 18, 2017 at 1.00 am. The accident started when the Eka Bus from Surabaya to Yogyakarta tried to precede other vehicles which could not see the vehicle from the opposite direction, and hit the group of bus that drove from the direction of Solo to Ngawi. This incident location was near Mantingan Ngawi Market.

Based on Health Crisis Center data, the result of the incident one person died and 8 people were injured.

According to police officers, Eka bus of Surabaya-Yogyakarta bus which driven by Sugeng drove from the direction of Surabaya to Yogyakarta tried to precede other vehicles on the corner of road, while from the opposite direction there was a Arjuna Samba tourism bus.

The distance of the bus was so close so that the front and side of the bus crashed with tourism buses and hit Eka bus.