Exhibition activity in the framework of Rakerkesnas 2016


Exhibition activity in the framework of Rakerkesnas 2016

"Rakerkesnas" (National Health Work Meeting) activities in 2016  which was opened by the Minister of Health Prof. dr. Nila Farid Moelok, Sp.M, (K) on Wednesday morning also filled by the other activities such as an exhibition.

The exhibition which have "Preventive and Promotive, in support and implementation of the Healthy Families" is followed by 46 booths consist of several Provincial / District / City and Centre and other program such as from the World Business show their superior program.

In this exhibition, Health Crisis Centre socialize Disaster Risk Efforts Reduction (DRR) with "Manage Hazard, Reduce Vulnerability and Capacity" is also accompanied by the introduction of Android-Based Disaster Reporting Applications.

Nowadays, In the information technology era which growing so fast, make Health Crisis Centre tried to take initiatives to develop a disaster reporting application based on Android with the aim of delivering disaster report more quickly reported to Health Crisis Centre in updates and real-time as well as increase the accuracy of the process of disaster relief efforts in areas affected by the disaster.

Minister of Health, Prof.dr. Nila Farid Moelok, Sp.M, (K) on the occasion of his visit, expressed his appreciation for the Crisis Center Health Efforts by developing this Android-Based Disaster Reporting Application. Then, Secretary General of the Ministry of Health also helped convey the message and gave a positive impression of the application and also gave directives to Android-Based Disaster Reporting system to be more developed and can be fully utilized.