Flood Hazard, Bekasi Install Flood Detection Equipment


Flood Hazard, Bekasi Install Flood Detection Equipment

Bekasi is one of the areas vulnerable to floods during the rainy season and drought when entering the dry season. Floods that occur will disrupt the activities of citizens and economic slowdown. To overcome this, Bekasi District Government (Pemkab) is currently installing a disaster detection tool to anticipate the occurrence of disasters in the region.

Disaster detection tool installed is a tool of flood and drought disaster detection. Given the frequent floods in the region. Disaster detection tool will be done gradually installation. This year, only five areas are installed the detection tool. Among other things, in Ridogalih Village, Cibarusah District; Kecamatan Muara Gembong; North Cikarang District precisely in Karang Asih Village, District of Babelan.

Installation of drought detection equipment is also because the region is susceptible to high drought. When the dry season arrives, it will have water difficulty so many plants can not live. With the tools of detection, the community can be more benefited because the local government and employers can immediately distribute assistance.

In addition, the presence of this tool will make it easier to conduct monitoring to disaster areas. Because now the relevant agencies often have difficulty to reach the disaster area. And this tool will be installed on 23 districts. But for now only five districts due to budgetary factors.