Flood in Belitung


Flood in Belitung

Heavy rain has caused flood in 4 villages and 2 subdistricts flooded in Belitung on July 16th, 2017. Flood also caused cut off access road to the southern Belitung region. Pool of water began to overflow and covered Membalong highway, in Bantan Village, Membalong District. In addition, thousands of residents are also forced to evacuate due to flood

The water level caused reaches 50 to 80 centimeters. Floods lasted for 3 days due to heavy rain that still fall, so impacted area is getting wider. 5 sub-districts was flooded, namely Kelapa Kampit, Damar, Simpang Rengginang, Gantung, and Simpang Pesak .

Thousands of residents have to evacuate to safe place, in addition, 1 person died namely Ali Mustofa (15) SMP 3 Manggar student. The victim is allegedly carried by a flood of tidal flood, he was found in a pond former tin mining in Taruna Mulia, Lalang Manggar Village, East Belitung.

In this event, access roads in some sub-districts are still disconnected and can not be passed. Pool of water also swamped residents" houses. In addition, Pice Yang dam is located in Gantung District, which one of its doors was broken.