Flood in Cilacap, 1064 People Affected


Flood in Cilacap, 1064 People Affected

Heavy rain that occurred from Monday October 16, 2017 to Tuesday, October 17, 2017 morning, has resulted in flooding in the Cilacap District, Central Java. Heavy rains resulted in floods and landslides in Cilacap, in addition to three fishing boats moored in several locations reportedly submerged as they are filled with water.

Flood occurred in Penggungsari Village Nusawungu Subdistrict, Cilacap District. Flooding conditions are compounded by the unfinished normalization of the Sibelis river and the ineffectiveness of the Gatel river valley. As a result of these incidents several areas affected by floods.

Floods also flooded many roads in several subdistricts such as roads and houses, floods also inundate Grugu Village and Bringkeng, District Kawunganten and Hamlet Binangun Baru, Binangun Village, District Bantarsari.

Beside the flood, there was also a landslide incident that occurred in the Grumbul Nangkod rice field, Cigintung Hamlet, Karangsari Village, Cimanggu District.