Flood in Gorontalo, Some residents are evacuated


Flood in Gorontalo, Some residents are evacuated

The society certainly needs to be aware of the threat of floods that can occur especially when heavy rain occured. The high intensity of rain has resulted in floods in Limboto, West Limboto and Tibawa sub-district, Gorontalo district, Gorontalo province on June 2, 2017. Large floods hit 3 sub-districts, thousands of residents being evacuated to safe place.

High intensity of rain and lasts long enough to cause the Marisa Watershed (watershed) that crossed the area of ​​West Limboto and Moloupo watershed and Monggelomo River Basin overflowed resulting home residents and paddy fields were submerged in flood. In addition, floods have also caused the West Limboto Public Health Center to be affected by floods, but it does not interfere health services.

Based Health Crisis Center data in this disaster, 3877 residents had to evacuate because of the increasingly widespread floods hit their hometown. While other 353 people suffered minor injuries and were evacuated to the nearest health service.

A number of people evacuated by carrying household items that can be saved. They walk through a hilly countryside far from the reach of the flood. In Gorontalo District, floods also soaked the village of Ombulo and surrounding areas. This area is a flood subscription every rain comes.