Flood Striked 12 Villages in Pasuruan


Flood Striked 12 Villages in Pasuruan

Heavy rain with high intensity that occurred in the region of Pasuruan, East Java on Tuesday (21/11/) night has resulted in the flood. Flooding occurred in 12 villages in Pasuruan. The flood occurred due to overflowing of Kedunglarangan and Welang Rivers.

The water debit from both rivers was highly overflowed due to heavy rain that occurred at long duration in Tosari, Tutur, Purwodadi, Purwosari, Sukorejo, Pandaan, and Prigen Subdistrict. As a result there are about 12 villages from six districts of Pasuruan District and city that were hit by floods.

In Pasuruan district, floods also occurred in Kalirejo Village, Kalianyar Village, Tambakan Village, Manaruwi Village in Bangil Subdistrict; Slambrit Village, Tambakrejo Village and Sidogiri Village in Kraton Subdistrict; Mojotengah Village in Sukorejo Subdistrict; Sukorejo Village in Pohjentrek Subdistrict; and Siyar Village and Genengwaru Village in Rembang Subdistrict. Meanwhile, in Pasuruan City, flood occurred in Karangketug Village, Gadingrejo Subdistrict.

Water height were vary between 30 centimeters to 1 meter. The floods hit resident’s village and soaked several houses. Residents whose house have been submerged in direct floods seek shelter, some of which have already taken refuge from their relatives.