Follow-up Meeting Based on Framework Preparation Result of the Emergency Medical Team in Indonesia at Sentul, Bogor


Follow-up Meeting Based on Framework Preparation Result of the Emergency Medical Team in Indonesia at Sentul, Bogor

Health Crisis Center held a follow up meeting based on the Framework Preparation Result of the Emergency Medical Team in Indonesia which had previously been held in Balikpapan. This meeting was held at the Hotel Harris Sentul on 19-20 December 2016 with participants from the Provincial Health Office of DKI Jakarta and West Java , and health department of Cianjur regency, Karawang, Sukabumi, Garut, Bogor and Bogor regency. Number of hospitals and health centers in West Java Province, health authorities in the TNI / Polri and cross-program in the Ministry of Health.

Here is a portfolio of EMTs Framework in Indonesia and the Meeting Materials that can be downloaded (in PDF format):