Geladi Crisis Response Health Crisis In order to Prepare Sail Sabang 2017


Geladi Crisis Response Health Crisis In order to Prepare Sail Sabang 2017

The Health Crisis Center has implemented the Health Crisis Relief Geladi in order to Sail Sabang 2017 starting with the implementation of the Technical Drill held at Mata Ie Resort on 19-21 November 2017 followed by the implementation of health crisis prevention on November 23, 2017 at CT3.

This activity aims to improve the regional healthcare in facing Sail Sabang 2017. Participants trained in technical drill comes from cross-sector and cross-program. Starting from the SAR team, BPBD, PMI, RAPI, Army, Navy, Air Force, Police, Sabang KKP, Puskesmas in Sabang City and Sabang City Hospital.