Head of Health Crisis Center in Webinar with UGM


Head of Health Crisis Center in Webinar with UGM

Gajah Mada University (UGM) invite the Head of Health Crisis Center, dr. Achmad Yurianto to be one of the speakers at the Kaleidoscope Seminar 2015 and Health Disaster Outlook Management in Indonesia, 2016 through the webinar (seminars remotely using the internet) which was held Thursday, January 21, 2016 – 3.00 to 3.30 pm in Room 301, IKM Building, 3rd Floor, UGM.

The event was attended by a cross-sector related to WHO  disaster management, NGOs, some Medical school in Indonesia (Fakultas Kedokteran and STIKES), Yogyakarta Health Department, and some Provincial Health Office in Indonesia, which aims to discuss the lessons which learned from disaster management health sector in 2015 and discuss the direction of the health sector disaster management policy in 2016

As a speakers on this meeting was the Head of Disaster Management Division PKMK Faculty, dr. Bella Donna, Kes., Danang Samsurizal, ST., Of Yogyakarta Local Disaster Agency, Hospital Emergency Chief Dr. Sardjito and UGM Head Principal of Disaster Faculty dr. Handoyo Pramusinto, Sp.BS., Rimawati, S.H, M. Hum., Lecturer Faculty of Law, and dr. Iskandar Leman from Indonesian Society for Disaster Management (MPBI) via teleconference.

This activity also held discussion between seminar participants who came at this meeting as well as submit questions via webinar chat facility. This event concludes with a summary and closing statement by dr. Bella Donna, Kes.