Health Cluster Meeting in Medan, 12-14 July 2017


Health Cluster Meeting in Medan, 12-14 July 2017

Health Cluster Coordination Meeting with the theme of Health Cluster Preparedness in Facing the Threats of Banjir Bandang and Landslide Disasters was held on 12-14 July 2017 in Medan. Cluster approach is a method of coordination in order to improve the quality of health crisis prevention through partnership with various relevant parties in coordination of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD). This cluster approach aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian emergency response in the face of crisis.

In addition, the approach also aims to increase the certainty and accountability of all key actors in emergency relief efforts both nationally and internationally. The Health Cluster is a cluster of ministries/ agencies, local government agencies, national and international agencies including United Nations agencies, governmental and non-governmental agencies, the private sector and the public. At this cluster meeting invited participants are representatives from work units within the Ministry of Health who have great involvement and role in the effort to overcome the health crisis, Representatives from work units outside the Ministry of Health who have involvement and role in efforts to overcome the health crisis, Representatives from NGOs And NGOs, and Officials and staff at the Center for Crisis Response. The speakers invited to this activity are Head of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BKMG), Head of Disaster Mitigation Study Center of Bengkulu University, Head of Health Service of Kab. Bangli, Chief Medical Officer of Banjarnegara District, Head of Health Office of Garut Regency, Head of District Health Office 50 Kota.