Health Minister visits Flash Floods Location in Garut


Health Minister visits Flash Floods Location in Garut

Mid-September 2016 became a disaster for residents in several areas around the Cimanuk river, Garut, West Java. Flash floods hit the area and many people became a victims. From Health Crisis Center data which obtained until Sep, 25th 2016 at least 33 people died, 12 still missing and dozens of people are injured and thousands of people were evacuated to various locations. Ministry of Health took fast response to solve this disaster through the Health Crisis Center to coordinate with other related programs, to prepare RHA support team, and other necessary aid like medicine, logistics, and health supplies.

On Friday, September 23rd , 2016 Health Minister Nila F. Moeloek and parties visited the locations of flood disasters in Garut. On this occasion the Health Minister provide assistance in the form of medicines symbolically in the hospital and also do other activities such as visiting the victim being hospitalized in Guntur Hospital, visit the refugees in refugee camps, give an explanation of health services in refugee camps. Also at the same time, the Minister also checking the infrastructure and medical equipment that also affected by the flood.

Ministry of Health through the Health Crisis Centre give as much as possible health assistance to solve health crisis issue due to flash floods by giving aid such as sending a team about 10 people to Garut consisting of Health Crisis Center, DIT. PHC, Dit. Fasyankes, and BPFK. Health Minister also check any medical devices that being hit by flash flood. Here below is a photo documentation when Health Minister took a visit to Flash Flood Area at Garut :


Health Minister and group when visiting Patient who was being hospitalized at Guntur Hospital


Health Minister when visited refugees at one of local military base in Garut


Health Minister was Giving Explanation About Health Service at Hospital


Health Minister When Giving In Symbolic Medicine Aid to Hospital


Inspection to Medical Devices Which Affected Too by Flash Flood


Situation at BKPM After Disaster


Health Services to Patient at BKPM at Garut