Heavy rain flash flooded Garut residential area, cause 27 deaths


Heavy rain flash flooded Garut residential area, cause 27 deaths

From gathered data by Health Crisis Centre until Sep, 24th 2016, at least 27 people died, 22 people lost, several others injured and hundreds are displaced because flash floods striked 5 sub-districts in Garut, West Java at Sep, 20th 2016, midnight. The sub-districts affected by this disaster were Karangpawitan, Tarogong Kidul, Bayongbong, Tarogong Kaler and Banyuwangi. First presumption of this flash floods is because high intensity, long duration rain and high risk of other susceptibility that would be easy for floods and landslides strike these area, so 2 nearest river which are Cimanuk river and Cikamuri river were extremely overflowed.

Flash flood not only flooded residential area, but also some health facilities such as dr. Slamet Local Hospital (RSUD dr. Slamet) and some other small clinics too and many medical devices damaged. Fortunately health care activity for patients there are not too hampered by this disaster. Fast response was initiated by Health Crisis Centre and other cross-program to help victims at those area like giving health care and disaster aid (medical and food stock).

Certain disaster aid was sent by any levels from District until Ministry of Health, at district level by sending RHA and TRC (Fast Reaction Team), establish Health Post Centre at referral hospital such as dr. Slamet Hospital and Guntur Hospital, establish 18 health posts at Garut local health office, purifying dr. Slamet Hospital by giving it disinfectan, distribute pure water to refugees area.

Ministry of Health also giving important disaster aid such as 500 sachet of water purifier, 20 kg of chlorine, 1000 sheets of environment friendly Polybag, 1000 sheets of standard Polybag, 1000 sheets of Polybag medical sheets, 120 Litre of floor disinfectan, 100 pcs of Safety Box, 3,5 Ton + 10 Boxes of MP-ASI, 2,5 Ton of PMT-Bumil, 0,5 Ton of PMT AS, 2 packages of Medicine Package, 10 pcs of children body bag.

Health Crisis Centre will continue to keep monitoring and reporting this disaster.