Hundreds of Residents Flooded in Makassar


Hundreds of Residents Flooded in Makassar

Heavy rain accompanied by strong winds occurred in the area of ​​Makassar City on December 20, 2017. As a result, some areas are flooded, water debit is also increased so that makes residents submerged in Manggala District. Flooding is also almost happening in Makassar.

The worst floods occurred in Katimbang Village, Biringkanaya Sub-district. In this village, hundreds of residents houses in Kodam Tiga complex are flooded with 1.5 meters high or reaching an adult"s chest.

Based on the Health Crisis Center data, while the affected areas are, 648 households / 2.592 inhabitants affected at Batua Hamlet. 51 kk / 204 people evacuated to At-Taubah Mosque.

As a result of this incident, residents prefer to evacuate to a higher area. But there also people who choose to stay at home because they feared to lost their property. In addition, flooding also makes the main road or trans-south Sulawesi road in Makassar also flooded, such as Perintis Kemerdekaan Street, Urip Sumoharjo Street, and AP Pettarani Street.