Hundreds of SMK Students in Medan Food Poisoned


Hundreds of SMK Students in Medan Food Poisoned

Hundreds of students in Vocational Secondary School (SMK) Negeri Binaan on Karya sei agul Street West Medan District on Tuesday, 2nd February 2017 experienced food poisoning. The incident happened at 23.30 after the students finished dinner. They were immediately rushed to hospitals for further help.

Based on Health Center crisis data, the number of students who experienced food poisoning were 132 men and women of the total number of students who consumed the same food 360 people. The victims experienced symptoms of nausea, heartburn, dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea after eating dinner. As a result of this incident the number of inpatients there are 41 people in hospital Sufina Aziz Hospital, 51 people in RS Kesdan Putri Hijau. Meanwhile, for the outpatient, 40 people in Imelda Hospital.

The incident started when students had lunch with side dishes of tuna and tempe bacem and dinner with dish of chicken stews, tempe bacem and sauteed cabbage. Starting at 23.30 students start feeling nausea, vomiting and diarrhea and they were immediately sent to Sufina Aziz Hospital, 41 people inpatient, in Kesdan Putri Hijau Hospital. 51 people with details 33 person inpatients, 11 outpatients and 4 people observation in ER, while 40 people sent to Imelda Hospital.

Food samples are taken directly to the Laboratory for review. In order to know the cause of poisoning.