Integrated Health Crisis Information System Workshop


Integrated Health Crisis Information System Workshop

The Health Crisis Center held a 2-day workshop on 14 - 15 March 2017 at the Park Lane Hotel in Kuningan area of ​​Jakarta to discuss cross-program system integration and across sectors.

The event which was attended by cross program like Directorat of Health Quarantine Surveillance (PHEOC), HAJI Health Center, Health Service Referral (NCC), Directorat of Primary Health Service, Bureau of Communications and community services as well as from across sectors ie Pusdatinmas BNPB, Directorate of PRB BNPB, Pusdalops BNPB, Indonesia University, LPBI NU, MDMC which aims to coordinate and collaborate and integrate data in order to establish the equation of data and information to be communicated to the community in the Health Crisis Center’s efforts.

In this workshop also presented how the future across sectors and across programs create a standard procedure in reporting crisis events, especially those incidents that have potential health crises in order to overcome the health crisis more optimally.

The 2 day event is divided into 2 sessions, including exposure sessions conducted by the Health Crisis Center, cross-program and cross-sector about the information system that has been owned and how each data can be collaborated systematically so that every stakeholder can access the information " realtime "and comprehensive.

The second session was followed by a discussion which was divided into 2 groups namely Cross Sector and Cross Program, in this discussion, each group agreed about handling technical problems and regulation and agreement which later will be issued in a more concrete form like Juknis (instructions technical).

Here is the formulation of the Workshop result:

  •          Agreement on data and information to be shared and utilized together and mechanism / flow of delivery to complement and strengthen efforts to overcome health crisis
  •          Follow up with the next meeting to create operational description in the form of guidelines or guidelines
  •          Revise Permenkes 77/2014 on Crisis Response Health Information System
  •          Propose that EOCs in Kemenkes (PHEOC, NCC, PKK) are in the same location.