International Training Consortium On Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop in Banda Aceh


International Training Consortium On Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop in Banda Aceh

The Health Crisis Center held an International Training Consortium On Disaster risk reduction workshop on Februari, 20-24th 2017 in Banda Aceh. The theme in this activity is "Learning from Pidie Jaya Earthquake Response 2016".

This theme was chosen by considering that Indonesia is a country with a considerable degree of earthquake disaster in the world. Almost every region has an earthquake vulnerability. And remember the earthquakes are a sudden onset disaster that requires high preparedness of all components which involved.

Based on the experience of earthquake handling that occurred in December 2016 in Pidie Jaya District, we can learn, mainly related to health team management and post-emergency handling. This activities were attended by 40 participants from City / District Health Office on the Sumatra and Java that are prone to earthquake disaster.

In this activity the interviewees came from IDI, BPBA, Aceh Province Health Office, Pidie Jaya District Health Office, Pidie Jaya Hospital, Sigli Public Hospital, Crisis Center, Brawijaya University, PMPK UGM, MDMC and WHO.

The last day of the activity was a field visit to Pidie Jaya Health Office, Pidie Jaya Hospital, Sigli Hospital, health post and UPTD of Aceh Province Health Office to see first hand experience of disaster handling with health cluster implementation.