Landslide at SOLOK District, WEST SUMATERA, 25-04-2017


Landslide at SOLOK District, WEST SUMATERA, 25-04-2017

The landslides occured due to high rainfall since at 1:00 pm until the afternoon. During the incident, two people who riding motorbikes on their way home from the fields become a victim buried by landslide material. One person died, while one other person was heavy injured.


District / City Health Office Efforts:

Conduct Monitoring and Coordination with related cross sectors.

Provincial Health Office Efforts:

Conduct field surveys.

Regional Health Service Efforts:

Monitoring and Reporting

Ministry of Health Efforts:

Monitoring and Reporting

More info contact,

Agency: Solok District BPBD
Name of Reporter: Mr. Sawir
Position: Kabid KL
No. Phone: 081363611797