Mexico shook by 8.2 magnitude earthquake, no impact for Indonesia region


Mexico shook by 8.2 magnitude earthquake, no impact for Indonesia region

A 8.2 magnitude earthquake (SR) shook southern Mexico On Friday September 08, 2017 at 11.49 pm. The earthquake occurred at sea at a distance of 87 kilometers southwest of Pijijiapan City, Mexico, in a depth of 69 km. the earthquake destroyed people"s houses and buildings even more than 50 people reportedly died. The earthquake has the potential of a tsunami.

Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Mention if the tectonic earthquake was magnitude M = 8.0. Meanwhile, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) released an earthquake force of M = 8.1 with the epicenter located at coordinates 15.06 north latitude and 93.71 west longitude.

The earthquake had no impact on the territory of Indonesia. After monitoring by BMKG, the tsunami has no impact on the territory of Indonesia.

The quake resulted in tremendous shocks in areas such as Arista, Trespicos, Pijijiapan, Tonala, Mapastepec, Acapetagua, Huixtla, Huehuetan, and Tapachula. The affected area suffered moderate to severe damage.

Based on BMKG data, when viewed from the depth of its hipocentrum, earthquake is a type of earthquake with medium depth due to the activity of plate subduction.

As a result of the incident, the tsunami early warning center, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) issued a tsunami warning. The warning provides warnings based on sea level monitoring showing a small tsunami occurring in Salina Cruz (48 cm), Pureto Angel (29 cm), and Huatulco (69 cm).