Motorcycle Riders Buried by Landslide in Nias


Motorcycle Riders Buried by Landslide in Nias

Continuous heavy rain can cause landslide disaster. Some areas in Indonesia are under the risk of landslides. This time the landslide occurred on the Hilimawoni Lolozarambua Lahemo Village road, Gido District, Nias District on July, 8th 2017. Heavy rain that flushed Nias over the last few days caused land movement that also caused landslides.

As a result of these incidents, two people buried by the landslide. They were Ifan (40 years old) resident of Lolohoe, Lasara Vilalge, Mau Sub-district, Nias District and one other person could not be identified, both victims were immediately evacuated to Gido Local Health Office.

When the incident occured, the two victims were riding a motorcycle, when it was heavy rain. They pass right in the village of Lahemo, at around 20:00 pm, suddenly the land from the hill fell and covered the road. Both were buried after hit by landslides and large stones.

People around the incident who saw the disaster directly reported to the nearest agency. However, due to night and rain conditions are still heavy. The evacuation had to be stopped and continued the next day.