Mutiara Sentosa Ship 1 caught on fire in Masalembo Waters


Mutiara Sentosa Ship 1 caught on fire in Masalembo Waters

Passenger Ship KM Mutiara Sentosa 1 Surabaya - Balikpapan burned in Masalembo Waters on May 19, 2017 at 07.30 pm West Indonesia Timezone. At the time of the incident, the ship was carrying 178 passangers consisting of 134 passengers and 44 crew. At the time of the incident, the ship captain ordered all passangers to leave the ship immediately and save themselves by using lifeboats and life jackets.

In this incident reported 5 people died. The fire originally emerged from Cardeck Ship, which could not be extinguished and enlarged. So the captain was ordered to leave the ship. Meratus Makassar Ship is docked to evacuate passengers and crew. Meanwhile, Surabaya Office SAR sent KN SAR 225 Surabaya to the location.

The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) conducted an investigation into the cause of the burning of the KM Mutiara Sentosa 1 ship. Based on the investigation, the fire came from the truck. A moment later fire appeared on the lower deck, passengers also tried to extinguish the fire.

In an effort to extinguish the fire is also done with a spray of water on board, the hydrant on the ship has been turned on by the ship"s crew, but instead the fire is getting bigger. But there was also the sound of a small explosion that made the passengers on deck ran away. A moment later, the fire grew larger.