Rehearsal Health Crisis Due to Earthquake In Simeulue District


Rehearsal Health Crisis Due to Earthquake In Simeulue District

Simeulue district located in the middle of the Indian Ocean which is prone to earthquakes that can cause a tsunami. Because along the west coast of Sumatra there are clash of Eurasian plate and Australian plate. Simeulue Regency with its capital Sinabang is an archipelago consisting of 54 large and small islands around it.

Contingency plans for the earthquake health crisis have been set up to deal with emergency health crises that may or may not occur in Simeulue district. This crisis situation requires good handling management capabilities, the toughest challenge that arises in technical health crisis prevention is coordination with cross-program as well as related cross-sectors.

The Health Crisis Center has organized a health crisis prevention response to the earthquake in Sinabang City, Simeulue District on August 21-26, 2017. Field work is done to test contingency plans that have been prepared, coordination between health sub-clusters and view technical capacity of health sub-cluster response in emergency situation in Simeulue district.

The resource persons and facilitators are from Health Crisis Center, Kodiklat Health Education Center, Army Health Office, Aceh Province and Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Table Top Exercise (TTX) and field rehearsals involving Simeulue Public Health Office, Local Hospital, Local Health Office, and cross-sector such as BPBD, Social Service, Police and local Kodim. This fielding was carried out without prior medical medical training, so that imperfections in medical emergency treatment were improved in post-engineering technical drill.

Although no tsunami early warning technology, Simeulue residents are able to read the signs of nature. Local wisdom inherited from generation to generation which also able to avoid the casualties during the tsunami disaster.