Small Boat which carried farmers sunk in Majalengka District


Small Boat which carried farmers sunk in Majalengka District

A small boat carrying 14 farmers drowned in Rawa Anggararahan, Pangkalan Pari Village, Jati Tujuh Sub-District, Majalengka District on April 13, 2017. Based on Health Crisis Center data, in this incident 9 people died and 5 others survived. The accident occurred on Thursday at 06.00 am. Survivors are brought directly Jati Tujuh Public Health Center.

According to the survivors, the victim died because he could not swim when the boat overturned so that it was instantly overwhelmed. Meanwhile, the water depth is about 3 meters. While survivors can still try to save themselves.

The incident started when the farmers, including the owner of the rice field, will go to the rice fields and prefer to use the grain-carrying boat because it is considered faster because they have to travel 5 km, when compared to roads that must travel about 7 km farther.

Factors that caused the sinking of the boat because it was allegedly leaked boat so that passengers immediately panicked and plunged into it. At that time not all farmers can swim, thus making the victims become drowned.