Socialization and Social Activity for Disaster Risk Reduction in Binjai City, November 17, 2017


Socialization and Social Activity for Disaster Risk Reduction in Binjai City, November 17, 2017

Dissemination of disaster risk reduction activities aims to increase community knowledge and understanding of disaster risk in the region as well as the health impact of the disaster. On November 17, 2017, the Health Crisis Center conducted a socialization of disaster risk reduction and social activities held at the Saqu School Primary School, JL. Fish Nila Korem Kel Kelat Tinggi Complex, Kec Binjai Timur. Participants who attended the event consisted of 100 Socialization Participants and 65 People Attending Social Service.


The resource persons in this socialization of disaster risk reduction socialization are the Health Crisis Center Kemenkes Team (Dr. Rita Djupuri, DCN, M.Epid Head of Health Crisis Response Facility and Dr. Ina Agustina Isturini, MKM Head of Evaluation Subdivision), Member of DPR RI Commission IX Ansory Siregar and Binjai City Health Office were represented by Mr. Joner Lumban Toruan, M.Kes Head of Public Health. In this activity the speakers provide knowledge and understanding to the community about healthy life movement and knowledge of disaster risk reduction related to the threat of flood and earthquake disaster. In addition to the community getting knowledge and understanding related to it, the public gets Health Check in Social Activity activities.