Socialization of Health Crisis Response in Kab. Raha


Socialization of Health Crisis Response in Kab. Raha

Dissemination activities of disaster risk reduction were conducted in Raha City, Muna District, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The social event was held in Lagasa Village on November 15, 2017. The social event was opened by Ibu Tina Nur Alam (Commission IX DPR RI). In this activity, more than 170 residents get free treatment, blood sugar check, cholesterol. In the social service the officers conducted HIV testing in about 40 pregnant women.



In addition to organizing social activities, the Ministry of Health also disseminates disaster risk reduction as a form of capacity building for disaster prevention for communities in Muna Regency. The material is given by the Head of Evaluation and Information, Center for Health Crisis. It is hoped that this series of socialization and social activities organized by the Ministry of Health will open the community"s awareness of threatening disaster risk in Muna Regency.