Socialization of Risk Reduction of Health Crisis and Social Services in Kab. Purwakarta


Socialization of Risk Reduction of Health Crisis and Social Services in Kab. Purwakarta

The socialization of risk reduction of health crisis was conducted in Kec. Purwakarta, Purwakarta District, West Java Province was assembled with social health service activity on 21 November 2017. Socialization and social service was opened by Bpk Komarudin, SH, MH member of DPRD Kab. Purwakarta representing Mr. DR. H. Ade Komarudin, M.H (Commission IX DPR RI).

In this activity, residents who follow come from campaka village, village of fort and village of nagri kidul 70 citizen get free treatment with 3 most diagnose that is myalgia, hyperetensi and dyspepsia.

In addition to organizing social activities, the Ministry of Health also disseminates disaster risk reduction as a form of capacity building for disaster prevention for communities in Purwakarta District. The material is given by the Head of Evaluation and Information, Center for Health Crisis.

This activity is expected to open the community insight against the risk of a threatening disaster in the region of Purwakarta Regency.