Srilanka Delegation Visit "Training and Exposure Visit on Public Health Management on Disaster in Indonesia"


Srilanka Delegation Visit

Head of Health Ministry"s Health Crisis Center represented by Head of Evaluation and Information drg. M. Kamaruzzaman, M.Sc, received a visit of 7 delegates from representatives of ministries and institutions in Sri Lanka led by Dr. N. Fareed Directof of Health Service on October 23, 2017,. This visit is in a series of "Training and Exposure Visis on Public Health Management on Disaster in Indonesia" activities.

In this meeting Head of Evaluation and Information drg. M. Kamaruzzaman, M.Sc presented his presentation on "Health Crisis Management" in Indonesia. Subsequently, the Sri Lanka Delegation was given an explanation of the Crisis Response Health Information System and looked directly at the monitoring and information activities in the PKK monitoring room.

This activity took place from 22 to 28 October 2017 with agenda of visit to Health Crisis Center, to National Command Center (NCC 119), PHEOC (Public Health Emergency Operation Center), BNPB, Ina DRTG, and  Islamic Pondok Kopi Hospital. It is expected that from this visit is the Sri Lanka Delegation can improve the concepts and skills in public health management, promote leadership and capacity building in management, and deepen understanding of the management system in natural disasters.