Study Tour Visits from Ministry of Health of Timor Leste


Study Tour Visits from Ministry of Health of Timor Leste

The head of the Health Ministry"s Health Crisis Center received a visit of 5 delegates from the Ministry of Health República Democrática de Timor Leste (RDTL) who conducted a Study Tour at the Ministry of Health on September 18, 2017, This study tour aims to study the health crisis prevention system in Ministry of Health.

In this meeting, the Head of the Health Crisis Center, Dr. A. Yurianto presented the policy of health crisis prevention which was followed by explanation from the Head of Prevention of Mitigation and Preparedness, Agus Hendroyono on the 3rd Annual Program of Health Crisis Center (Activities of Assistance, Response Map, Contigency Plan, Table Top Excercise and Rehearsal), explanation of Head of Health Crisis Facilitation Facility on health emergency response mechanism, and explanation from Evaluation and Information Section (Head of Evaluation and Sub Directorate of Monitoring and Information) related to Health Crisis Information System. This series of meetings followed with a visit to the health crisis monitoring chamber as well as see directly and listen to the explanation of the use of Health Crisis Response Information System.

This Study Tour activity took place from 18 to 21 September 2017 with agenda visit to Health Crisis Center, National Command Center (NCC 119), PHEOC (Public Health Emergency Operation Center), and to PPK Regional DKI Jakarta. The expectation of this visit, the delegation Ministry of Health of Timor Leste will get references related to the plan of the establishment of crisis centers in their country.