Tens of Thousand Residents Evacuated as Flood hit North Aceh


Tens of Thousand Residents Evacuated as Flood hit North Aceh

Heavy rains that hit North Aceh have caused the overflow of Kereuto River on December 2, 2017. Floods soaked 11 villages at Matangkuli sub-district. In addition, the flood also extends to other sub-districts such as Samudera, Simpang Keramat and Pirak Timu, North Aceh District.

As a result of the incident, hundreds of residents have to evacuate because their their houses were flooded. The worst condition occurred in Matangkuli sub-district. All residents immediately evacuated to the Meunasah (mushola). The water began to rise during the night, because heavy rain had happened the last few days and part of the house was already submerged.

Based on the report of Health Crisis Center, there were 2 people died, 21 people were seriously injured / hospitalized, 1.782 people were slightly injured / outpatient and total refugees reached about 38.110 people. Water height reaches 1.5 meters. Currently related institutions continue to focus on evacuating especially children and the elderly because there are already thousands of homes that have been flooded.

The District Health Office has made several efforts, including: Opening health post in Lhoksukon, Visiting IDP and IDD posts, Standby Ambulance at joint post, Health service by a functioning health center, Establishing health post both static and moving, puskesmas, activate PSC at health post, Accompany volunteer staff who visit to evacuation location and placement of health data processing personnel at main post in Lhoksukon.