The Cause of Banjir Bandang in Brebes


The Cause of Banjir Bandang in Brebes

Entering the peak of the rainy season that occurred in February, the threat of floods and landslides is very necessary to be careful of. High intensity of rain makes people living in disaster with high risk areas need to be wary of floods and landslides. When rainy season comes, flood disaster seems to have become a tradition. But actually this disaster is also quite dangerous because it can cause enormous impact on the environment and society.

On February 16, 2017 there has been a banjir bandang disaster in the Terlangu village, Pemaron Village and Kedungtokang Village, Brebes District. The water level averages up to 1 to 2 meters.

All residents immediately flee to a safer place. The refugees were displaced at YPIB Pharmacy High School, Terlangu Brebes and ex restaurant of Mrs. Martiah. number of refugees estimated around 500 families. there are two health office that are affected by the flood, namely Sidamulya and Pemaron Health Office.

The cause of the flood was because of the broken at two points of Pemali embankment in the Kedungtukang village which occurred at 04.00 pm. and in the Terlangu Village at 06.30 pm. In addition to the overflowing of three major rivers namely Pemali River, Babakan River, and Cisanggarung River has caused flash floods in Brebes, and made some areas also flooded.