The collapse of Cipamingkis bridge


The collapse of Cipamingkis bridge

[Thursday, April 13, 2017] Around 23:00 WIB Cipamingkis Bridge on Jl. Transyogi Cibubur-Cianjur precisely in Kp. Jagaita Jonggol Village Jonggol District Bogor Regency collapsed due to the bridge foundation hit by flood.

The bridge belonging to the West Java Provincial Government (Jabar) which connects Jonggol - Cariu was built 30 years ago with the opening of a road called Transyogi (the name of former Governor of West Java Moch Yogie Suardi Memet) can not all pass.

In the interim, alternate paths for the small current that can be passed from Jonggol direction to Cariu and vice versa are:
1. Playing through Cibarusah Desa Sirnajati to Kp. Rawabogo Village Weninggalih out Transyogi road
2. Playing through the Kec. Sukamakmur - Mt. Batu Desa Sukaharja - Menteng Desa Sukadamai - Kp. Mengker Desa Sirnagalih Transyogi Street or from Mt. Batu to Nyengcle Village Selawangi Cariu or directly to Tanjungsari - Cikalong.

To be sure the construction of bridge repair / rehab can fall months of time. It certainly will make everyone bother. I hope the Office of Highways Prov. Jabar immediately intervened for this important iron.