The Impact of Illegal Logging on the Environment


The Impact of Illegal Logging on the Environment

Indonesia has a forest rich in the diversity of population types within it, but over time Indonesia becomes the most threatened forest in the world. The erosion of forests due to illegal logging makes the predominant factor 70-75 percent of the harvested timber harvested illegally. From an economic perspective, illegal logging has reduced state revenues and revenues and estimated losses of the State to 30 trillion annually. On the other hand illegal logging can lead to a lack of water absorption that can lead to floods and landslides.

The impacts of illegal logging are:

  • The loss of soil fertility causes the soil to absorb too much sunlight to become very dry and arid. Until nutrients in the soil are volatile. In addition, rain bias swept away the remnants of the nutrisis from the ground. Therefore, when the soil has lost a lot of nutrients, then reforestation becomes difficult and cultivation on the land becomes impossible.
  • The decline in water resources is also part of the impact of illegal logging because trees strongly contribute to maintaining water cycles through the roots of water absorption trees that are then flown to the leaves, then evaporated and released into the atmosphere layer. When the trees are felled and the area becomes arid, then the taka da again helps the soil to absorb more water, thereby eventually leading to a decrease in water resources.
  • Extinction of biodiversity, although tropical forest is only 6% of the earth"s surface but about 80-90% of the species are in it. As a result of massive illegal logging there are about 100 species of animals declining every day, the biodiversity of various regions is lost on a large scale.
  • Causes flooding because the forest that serves as a water absorber can not absorb and store large quantities of water when heavy rains occur.