Training on Crisis Response Health Information System 2017


Training on Crisis Response Health Information System 2017

One effort to overcome the health crisis caused by the disaster is to monitor and report the health problems arising from the disaster. The reported information includes the types of disasters that have occurred, the number of victims, the damaged health facilities and the crisis response efforts that have been done.

Furthermore, the information can be used as input and reference material by policymakers and program managers to determine what efforts need to be done not only in the context of emergency health crisis response, but also risk reduction and post-crisis health efforts.

To obtain data and information quickly and accurately, it takes an online information system and connect to the district level. This facilitates the coordination of health crisis management between the Central and Regional Governments. Currently Health Crisis Center already has an Information System called Crisis Information System Health Health (SI-PKK) online. Reports of disaster events / health crises can be reported through this system or manually via email or an android-based SI-PKK application.

The Health Crisis Center has initiated that disaster reporting can be reported structured through SI-PKK and intensify the use of the android application. With this system, health workers will be easier, faster and accurate in reporting the incidence of health crisis due to disaster. To improve the capacity of health workers in the regions in utilizing SI-PKK, it is necessary to train them in District Health Offices / Provincial Health Offices and Provincial Health Offices in the form of Training of Crisis Response Information System.

In this fiscal year 2017, Crisis Response Information System training was held on July 25-28, 2017 at Santika Premier Hotel, Jakarta with 40 participants from 34 District Health Offices and from 6 Provincial Health Offices prone to disaster targeted program The work of the Health Crisis Center. The speakers who were invited to fill this training came from various agencies such as from National Disaster Management Agency, UNOCHA, Communications and Community Service Bureau of Ministry of Health, Center for Health Crisis and PT Wahana Reka Karya.

In this training, in addition to being given exposure by resource persons, the participants also practiced reporting of health crisis incidents using SI-PKK. On the last day of the training, a health crisis reporting simulation will be conducted using SI-PKK.