Transportation Accident at Labuhan Batu Selatan, 2 People Died


Transportation Accident at Labuhan Batu Selatan, 2 People Died

There was an accident at Jalinsum Dusun Sri Pinang, Perkabunan Perlabian Village, Kampung Rakyat Subdistrict, Labuhan Batu Selatan DIstrict, precisely at KM 321-322 on September 11, 2017 at 3.15 am. The accident involved Makmur Bus with police number and minibus Daihatsu Grand Max, resulting from the incident two people died.

The victims still consist of one family living in Merdeka Street, Cambodia Hall No. 19, North Padangsidimpuan Subdistrict. The 3 other injured victims hospitalized in Rantau Prapat Hospital.

The incident started when Makmur Bus tried to pass the damaged PMH Bus. At the same time came a unit of Daihatsu Grand Max minibus which was ridden by the victims from opposite direction. Then the collision was unavoided, and the accident happened. As a result, two people died and three were injured.